Putting Hail Risk 

on Ice

What insurers need to know to predict hail losses more accurately and profitably

What you will find in this paper:

The Drawbacks of Current Approaches - Understand the limitations of current risk management strategies and stochastic models.

Z-HAIL's Breakthrough - Dive deep into the AI-driven approach that combines detailed climatology with unique property-specific data for precise predictions.

Case Study - Discover how Z-HAIL's precision could save millions in just one hail-prone zip code.

Read the Research Paper

© 2023 ZestyAI, Inc.

Ready to Revolutionize 

Your Hail Risk Management?

Don't let outdated methods hold back your profitability and growth. Embrace the future with ZestyAI's comprehensive insights. Get the white paper.

2023 is setting a disturbing trend with unprecedented storm damages. 

Traditional methodologies and "peanut butter spreading" tactics are no longer sufficient. 

The landscape demands a new paradigm.

Your Battle Plan - Create your battle plan to define eligibility, apply a more accurate hail peril rating, assign ACV endorsements, and elevate hail deductibles.