Modernizing Homeowners Rate Plans in the Age of Changing Risk
Modernizing Homeowners Rate Plans in the Age of Changing Risk
© 2025 ZestyAI, Inc.
Discover How Risk Models Can Improve Segmentation
"Risk models that utilize property level characteristics can produce more granular risk segmentation than traditional risk group definitions, especially for weather perils where location, surrounding conditions, and property features are important components affecting the frequency and severity of claims."
Milliman analyzes
ZestyAI's Z-HAIL model
Milliman White Paper
Outlining a case study about ZestyAI's Z-HAIL model
Get the White Paper
Respond to Climate Risks
"For companies looking to better respond to changing climate risks and emerging risks, utilizing a risk score or other insurance pricing sophistication techniques may enable an insurance company to better understand, measure, and price risk.”
Milliman’s analysis of ZestyAI’s Z-HAIL model shows that ZestyAI’s Z-HAIL risk score could be used to segment properties based on exposure to hail risk. Over a period of seven years, properties with a Z-HAIL score of 10 had a reported loss ratio of 50.4% compared to only 2.4% for properties with a Z-HAIL score of 1,
which corresponds to a highest to lowest loss ratio lift of 21X.